Looking into water filtration options now - another mountain of research to do. Many products, many levels of filtration, differing opinions on whether more pure water is healthy or too stripped of natural minerals. The flouride issue arises, happy to see many people are on board with getting rid of flouridation, totally unnecessary and toxic practice.
Being mercury toxic means tiring easily both physically and mentally. I feel wiped out after hours of trying to sort through all the pros and cons and arguments.
Happy to be able to turn it all off and head for a good night's sleep, which for the most part I usually have these days, a joyful blessing. If yours is not so, may you find rest wherever, however you can. I have read that one hour of meditation give the equivalent of four hours sleep.
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Mercury combines with chemicals I'm exposed to and creates symptoms. Yesterday I had my guitar out for a few hours and reacted to its shellac. I bought it 21 months ago. I felt nothing while it was out of the case, but woke up 12 hours later, at 5 a.m. with typical mercury symptoms:
wakefulness, hyper/zoomy/agitated feeling, "high"/happy/elated emotional state, itchy scalp; after that 'up' phase came sneezing and nasal congestion, then a 'down' swing: fatigue/sleepiness, depressed feeling, depleted.
I documented the sensations and feelings as they went thru me and quickly saw the pattern of upswing followed by downswing, all within an hour. Good to know, to recognize what is going on especially when it affects thinking and emotions.
Two of my homeopathic remedies helped, one for allergies, one for sinusitis.
Today still tired and sinusitis from that but enough energy to get out and enjoy the snow falling.
wakefulness, hyper/zoomy/agitated feeling, "high"/happy/elated emotional state, itchy scalp; after that 'up' phase came sneezing and nasal congestion, then a 'down' swing: fatigue/sleepiness, depressed feeling, depleted.
I documented the sensations and feelings as they went thru me and quickly saw the pattern of upswing followed by downswing, all within an hour. Good to know, to recognize what is going on especially when it affects thinking and emotions.
Two of my homeopathic remedies helped, one for allergies, one for sinusitis.
Today still tired and sinusitis from that but enough energy to get out and enjoy the snow falling.
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Yesterday a small amalgam removed, quick and easy. Wait 3 weeks then take another out. 6 left to go.
Mercury symptoms following extraction, one heart palpitation afterwards, fatigue. Went to bed early. Today: blurry eyes in the morning, little bit of edema in legs and feet, some stammering speech, absent-mindedness, nothing major, feel good, happy, had a nice musical visit with a friend.
Grateful for good helpers all around.
Mercury symptoms following extraction, one heart palpitation afterwards, fatigue. Went to bed early. Today: blurry eyes in the morning, little bit of edema in legs and feet, some stammering speech, absent-mindedness, nothing major, feel good, happy, had a nice musical visit with a friend.
Grateful for good helpers all around.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Exhaust fumes exposure today - water main broke up the street, big vehicles spewing fumes outside my bookshop. On arriving home, upper lip peeling.
Telephone consultation with Naturopathic doctor earlier today, went over supplements and self-care. Importance of basics: rest, nutrition, gentle exercise, relaxation. I love yoga, meditation, music, reading, drawing; need to do these fun things when life gets hectic/stressed, not burn myself out with overworking and futile worrying.
She subscribes to the view that it is good to chelate while amalgams still in, lighten the Hg load, says gentle chelators are r-alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and n-acetyl-cysteine (NAC). They may be gentle relative to DMSA or DMPS but they still have a powerful effect on my body. We discussed dosaging, as ALA gave me insomnia and a feeling like my mind was being stretched like a balloon! NAC gave upset gut, nausea, diarrhea. I will do some more research on the whole question of whether to chelate at all with still 8 amalgams in. Another naturopath in the city counsels against it. Next dental appt. in 6 days, need to make a decision. Have a couple of people to call to hear their experience with this, as patients.
Tiring work. Not fully recovered from shopping a few days ago, brain needs rest. Another friend has started reading articles I shared, Alzheimer's in her family and other health issues could be about mercury. It is good to have someone to discuss it with. Plus ran into an old acquaintance on the street today and told her about it, she has many amalgams and chronic health issues, may find help here.
Beautiful blue sky today, happy I got out a bit for some fresh air, albeit frigid. I love the little kindnesses people do, holding open doors, e.g. Climbing over a big snow mound the plow left behind I started falling over, a man came over and helped me up. Made my day.
That and listening to inspirational messages of Abraham Hicks. Fun. So here's a "vortex" story (one of her catch phrases). Pondering the dilemma of needing weight loss for heart health, yet dissolving fat releases mercury = bad for heart. Prayed for guidance. Within 24 hours, listening to A-H youtubes soon heard, "The dilemma you feel faced with has been solved. You just have to let yourself flow toward the solution, not struggle in the interim. Trust that the power of the (life)stream and the worthiness of your being is enough, because it is." Ahh, feels good. So let it be. How's that for quick manifesting? :-)
I cannot separate the physicality of mercury poisoning from the metaphysics of who I am, they are one and the same.
Telephone consultation with Naturopathic doctor earlier today, went over supplements and self-care. Importance of basics: rest, nutrition, gentle exercise, relaxation. I love yoga, meditation, music, reading, drawing; need to do these fun things when life gets hectic/stressed, not burn myself out with overworking and futile worrying.
She subscribes to the view that it is good to chelate while amalgams still in, lighten the Hg load, says gentle chelators are r-alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and n-acetyl-cysteine (NAC). They may be gentle relative to DMSA or DMPS but they still have a powerful effect on my body. We discussed dosaging, as ALA gave me insomnia and a feeling like my mind was being stretched like a balloon! NAC gave upset gut, nausea, diarrhea. I will do some more research on the whole question of whether to chelate at all with still 8 amalgams in. Another naturopath in the city counsels against it. Next dental appt. in 6 days, need to make a decision. Have a couple of people to call to hear their experience with this, as patients.
Tiring work. Not fully recovered from shopping a few days ago, brain needs rest. Another friend has started reading articles I shared, Alzheimer's in her family and other health issues could be about mercury. It is good to have someone to discuss it with. Plus ran into an old acquaintance on the street today and told her about it, she has many amalgams and chronic health issues, may find help here.
Beautiful blue sky today, happy I got out a bit for some fresh air, albeit frigid. I love the little kindnesses people do, holding open doors, e.g. Climbing over a big snow mound the plow left behind I started falling over, a man came over and helped me up. Made my day.
That and listening to inspirational messages of Abraham Hicks. Fun. So here's a "vortex" story (one of her catch phrases). Pondering the dilemma of needing weight loss for heart health, yet dissolving fat releases mercury = bad for heart. Prayed for guidance. Within 24 hours, listening to A-H youtubes soon heard, "The dilemma you feel faced with has been solved. You just have to let yourself flow toward the solution, not struggle in the interim. Trust that the power of the (life)stream and the worthiness of your being is enough, because it is." Ahh, feels good. So let it be. How's that for quick manifesting? :-)
I cannot separate the physicality of mercury poisoning from the metaphysics of who I am, they are one and the same.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Opthalmologist yesterday (annual checkup) declared no eye damage from mercury or diabetes. She expressed doubt that visual blurring is due to mercury. Not a very communicative person, my confidence level is not high on that level.
Had to return Amalgam Illness, Andy Cutler's book (1999) to the library as others' are waiting to read it. Will see his website for updates, 13 years is a long time in health news, many things will have changed since he wrote this book. It's packed full of information on diagnosing and treating mercury illness. I took notes and photocopied some pages to study.
Legs felt very heavy walking yesterday, had to push myself to do errands. Between bad air at the opthalmologist's office tower and photocopying a long time, over half an hour (sharp abdominal muscle pain and headache from that), feeling wiped out today, the usual: can't get going, wander around in a daze, can't think or concentrate, energy low, in and out of bed. So frustrating! Things I want to do and cannot. At the same time, good training in Letting Go!
It is wonderful reading about others' experiences of these very things in Cutler's book. He gives lots of good descriptions of what it's like when mercury poisoned, with a compassionate, understanding view and good tips on how to cope. It is a relief to not feel so strange and alone, to be able to have things make sense after years - decades! - of confusion, self-doubt and mystery. I am not imagining things, like exercise intolerance - asthma, weakness, and just feeling ill at ease and reluctant or unwilling to move forcefully - this is the mercury mobilizing, body is saying 'don't do it!'. Cutler recommends exactly what I have felt intuitively the need to do, go gently, do a little at a time, rest well for long periods afterwards, avoid overexertion.
Muscle strength was better this past summer, could turn over my entire garden plot myself, whereas 2 years ago needed a helper. I attribute that to several things: less exposures by avoiding groups and being inside buildings, therefore less sinusitis thus less tainted Bi Yan Pian, fewer amalgams as gradually been having old ones replaced and new cavities filled with composites, since 2001 or so - despite my old dentist's avowal that mercury was safe, I insisted on it - thank Goodness! Maybe some improvements came from Environmental Doctor's treatment (despite some allergens) of vitamins, minerals, liver cleanse (Unda homeopathic) 3x/year; whether chelators he used were a help or a harm I'm not sure yet, opinions vary on this and my results are mixed, but overall there has been steadily improving energy and feelings of well-being. Much of it must be just because of getting good sleeps since starting CPAP for sleep apnea in 2009.
Better nutrition and exercise (walking, bicycling, gardening, summer swimming) means my body is better able to handle and excrete toxins. Also many alternative treatments: Hielkunst homeopathy has given many excellent reliefs and energy boosts, Body Talk, reflexology since Jan./10, Psych K, daily Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, crystals. And of course spiritual support, prayers and treatments by friends in and out of the body.
Here's the dilemma. I was more physically active last summer and eating nutritiously so I lost some weight. Then mental mercury symptoms arose - some incidents of being unable to comprehend speech, unable to speak, either at all or strange stammering, along with increasing Alzheimer-like behaviour - extreme forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, inability to direct myself. So weight loss is a problem in releasing mercury. But I had what I believe was angina last month, extra weight is a burden on the heart and worsens diabetes. Don't know how to resolve it. When in trouble: pray! See what comes.
Happy that today is a snow storm blustery day, can stay in and 've(d)ge' without guilt! When my brain can't get into gear I like to practice piano with no agenda, listen to Abraham Hicks recordings on the Art of Allowing, or just watch the clouds go by, allowing myself to rest, take a sabbatical, do nothing. And pray, enjoy feeling the nearness of God, an awareness that comes and goes and keeps me hopeful.
Tomorrow, appointment with Naturopathic doctor to go over supplements (again, it's a huge learning curve, complex), so after another rest period will review previous session notes, make a list of questions, prepare myself for the phone counselling.
Had to return Amalgam Illness, Andy Cutler's book (1999) to the library as others' are waiting to read it. Will see his website for updates, 13 years is a long time in health news, many things will have changed since he wrote this book. It's packed full of information on diagnosing and treating mercury illness. I took notes and photocopied some pages to study.
Legs felt very heavy walking yesterday, had to push myself to do errands. Between bad air at the opthalmologist's office tower and photocopying a long time, over half an hour (sharp abdominal muscle pain and headache from that), feeling wiped out today, the usual: can't get going, wander around in a daze, can't think or concentrate, energy low, in and out of bed. So frustrating! Things I want to do and cannot. At the same time, good training in Letting Go!
It is wonderful reading about others' experiences of these very things in Cutler's book. He gives lots of good descriptions of what it's like when mercury poisoned, with a compassionate, understanding view and good tips on how to cope. It is a relief to not feel so strange and alone, to be able to have things make sense after years - decades! - of confusion, self-doubt and mystery. I am not imagining things, like exercise intolerance - asthma, weakness, and just feeling ill at ease and reluctant or unwilling to move forcefully - this is the mercury mobilizing, body is saying 'don't do it!'. Cutler recommends exactly what I have felt intuitively the need to do, go gently, do a little at a time, rest well for long periods afterwards, avoid overexertion.
Muscle strength was better this past summer, could turn over my entire garden plot myself, whereas 2 years ago needed a helper. I attribute that to several things: less exposures by avoiding groups and being inside buildings, therefore less sinusitis thus less tainted Bi Yan Pian, fewer amalgams as gradually been having old ones replaced and new cavities filled with composites, since 2001 or so - despite my old dentist's avowal that mercury was safe, I insisted on it - thank Goodness! Maybe some improvements came from Environmental Doctor's treatment (despite some allergens) of vitamins, minerals, liver cleanse (Unda homeopathic) 3x/year; whether chelators he used were a help or a harm I'm not sure yet, opinions vary on this and my results are mixed, but overall there has been steadily improving energy and feelings of well-being. Much of it must be just because of getting good sleeps since starting CPAP for sleep apnea in 2009.
Better nutrition and exercise (walking, bicycling, gardening, summer swimming) means my body is better able to handle and excrete toxins. Also many alternative treatments: Hielkunst homeopathy has given many excellent reliefs and energy boosts, Body Talk, reflexology since Jan./10, Psych K, daily Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, crystals. And of course spiritual support, prayers and treatments by friends in and out of the body.
Here's the dilemma. I was more physically active last summer and eating nutritiously so I lost some weight. Then mental mercury symptoms arose - some incidents of being unable to comprehend speech, unable to speak, either at all or strange stammering, along with increasing Alzheimer-like behaviour - extreme forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, inability to direct myself. So weight loss is a problem in releasing mercury. But I had what I believe was angina last month, extra weight is a burden on the heart and worsens diabetes. Don't know how to resolve it. When in trouble: pray! See what comes.
Happy that today is a snow storm blustery day, can stay in and 've(d)ge' without guilt! When my brain can't get into gear I like to practice piano with no agenda, listen to Abraham Hicks recordings on the Art of Allowing, or just watch the clouds go by, allowing myself to rest, take a sabbatical, do nothing. And pray, enjoy feeling the nearness of God, an awareness that comes and goes and keeps me hopeful.
Tomorrow, appointment with Naturopathic doctor to go over supplements (again, it's a huge learning curve, complex), so after another rest period will review previous session notes, make a list of questions, prepare myself for the phone counselling.
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Coping with exposures that trigger mercury symptoms (yesterday had to shop):
- Wear R95 respirator when indoors. Was planning to walk but extreme cold with harsh wind got me on a bus, kept respirator on as always on buses.
- Keep indoor air exposure as brief as possible.
- Avoid places with perfumes - had to do business in Shoppers Drug Mart, got thru it as fast as I could.
- Returning home, "balance the gates" using acupressure massager: ten meridian points that can stop reactions quickly and completely sometimes.
- Rinse sinuses with salt/bicarb solution.
- Rest.
- Massage reflexology foot points. Severely sore spot on large toe, representing brain.
- Muscles were twitching around mouth and in legs. Soaked 20 min. in espsom salts bath.
- Supplements: calcium, magnesium, trace minerals, sulfur, vitamins and others.
Life of course carries on without regard for mercury issues and I spent hours the last couple of days dealing with a tenancy issue corresponding with City Hall and landlord. Mental efforts are difficult and tiring, emotions ran high, mood changes can come on fast, somebody got an earful. Now I understand "mercurial temperament".
So, today - a break! Spent a few hours visiting and singing with a friend. Good comfort. Life is challenging and life is sweet, too. Grateful for friendly visits by people who are careful to be scent-free without needing reminders, I can forget about all that and feel relatively normal for a while. It is good.
Monday, 9 January 2012
A link to an excellent video on the power of eating the right foods to recuperate brain cells, by Dr. Terry Wahls who was disabled with M.S. and recovered ability to walk just by eating LOTS of greens, vegetables, berries (antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and goodness knows what other great things we aren't even aware of; seaweed (iodine) and high quality protein. Thanks, Suzanne.
Networking with others who are also exploring recovery strategies is a big help. And fun!
Too tired and brainless today to get anything done, in bed almost all day sleeping -effect of exposures from weekend shopping, plus roasted a chicken last night and tried staying in livingroom adjacent to kitchen wearing respirator; it's not enough. I have to go into the bedroom, close the door, open the window for fresh air until roasting aroma is gone, while running kitchen fan plus livingroom window open with fans.
On these kinds of days I have to just hit the reset button and try again tomorrow, being gentle with myself and letting go of expectations. Prayer helps, "let go and let God". Peace with what is.
Networking with others who are also exploring recovery strategies is a big help. And fun!
Too tired and brainless today to get anything done, in bed almost all day sleeping -effect of exposures from weekend shopping, plus roasted a chicken last night and tried staying in livingroom adjacent to kitchen wearing respirator; it's not enough. I have to go into the bedroom, close the door, open the window for fresh air until roasting aroma is gone, while running kitchen fan plus livingroom window open with fans.
On these kinds of days I have to just hit the reset button and try again tomorrow, being gentle with myself and letting go of expectations. Prayer helps, "let go and let God". Peace with what is.
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Friday the lab called, homocysteine specimen had to be repeated as it was not sent to Toronto frozen. One more puncture in my elbow vein.
The piece of rubber I attached to CPAP headstrap, to prevent teeth from grinding together (like a horse's bit) which could cause mercury vapour releases at night (explaining morning tiredness and vision blurring), may be actually working! Don't have as much blurry vision.
After shopping on Friday and Saturday am very tired today, moderate sinusitis starting yesterday responding well to two homeopathic remedies, Dr. Reckeweg #49 based mainly on mercury, and Sinusalia. Plus 2 or 3x/day neti cleansing with salt and bicarb solution, that makes a huge difference.
Tomorrow will drop off ECG result (normal) and hair analysis (tricky to interpret) at doctor's and consult re stopping Coversyl blood pressure med as possible culprit in recent angina.
Ongoing research re detox programs and mercury symptoms. Because it can go in just about any cell, it can cause a huge variety of effects. Am compiling a symptom list and will try to correlate amalgam changes with them.
Meanwhile, loving the epsom baths!
The piece of rubber I attached to CPAP headstrap, to prevent teeth from grinding together (like a horse's bit) which could cause mercury vapour releases at night (explaining morning tiredness and vision blurring), may be actually working! Don't have as much blurry vision.
After shopping on Friday and Saturday am very tired today, moderate sinusitis starting yesterday responding well to two homeopathic remedies, Dr. Reckeweg #49 based mainly on mercury, and Sinusalia. Plus 2 or 3x/day neti cleansing with salt and bicarb solution, that makes a huge difference.
Tomorrow will drop off ECG result (normal) and hair analysis (tricky to interpret) at doctor's and consult re stopping Coversyl blood pressure med as possible culprit in recent angina.
Ongoing research re detox programs and mercury symptoms. Because it can go in just about any cell, it can cause a huge variety of effects. Am compiling a symptom list and will try to correlate amalgam changes with them.
Meanwhile, loving the epsom baths!
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Grinding teeth can release mercury vapour, according to IAOMT video The Smoking Tooth. Dentists have noted my worn tooth surfaces due to grinding but never made me a mouth guard. I attached a rubber catheter to my CPAP harness so that it passes between my teeth preventing contact between upper and lower surfaces. I had no eye blurring this week since starting that, will continue to monitor to see if it's effective.
Blurry vision on arising has been the norm for years. I thought it was an allergy symptom but vision disturbances are a mercury effect; in extreme cases of acute exposure to very high doses people can go blind. Now I am paying attention to when blurring occurs - during sleep if I'm grinding teeth, or after meals if eating foods that "mobilize" mercury according to Andy Cutler.
Today I seem to be finished the mood swings that took me from elated, expansive, happy feelings Sunday, through depressive fear of death Monday, to anxious and surreal Tuesday. Now back to calm mind and happy mood - so wonderful after years of depression, to feel back to "myself". Still tired, sleeping extra couple of hours in the afternoon. All this following an evening of revelry New Years Eve. Despite scent-free efforts, exposures still happen in large groups of people. I generally avoid crowds and populated indoor spaces but need social contact so occasionally attend events. As my understanding grows, I do so less and less, and now think that's it for parties for now, at least until amalgams out.
More outdoors socializing - walking club to check out. I love walking and being outdoors.
Blurry vision on arising has been the norm for years. I thought it was an allergy symptom but vision disturbances are a mercury effect; in extreme cases of acute exposure to very high doses people can go blind. Now I am paying attention to when blurring occurs - during sleep if I'm grinding teeth, or after meals if eating foods that "mobilize" mercury according to Andy Cutler.
Today I seem to be finished the mood swings that took me from elated, expansive, happy feelings Sunday, through depressive fear of death Monday, to anxious and surreal Tuesday. Now back to calm mind and happy mood - so wonderful after years of depression, to feel back to "myself". Still tired, sleeping extra couple of hours in the afternoon. All this following an evening of revelry New Years Eve. Despite scent-free efforts, exposures still happen in large groups of people. I generally avoid crowds and populated indoor spaces but need social contact so occasionally attend events. As my understanding grows, I do so less and less, and now think that's it for parties for now, at least until amalgams out.
More outdoors socializing - walking club to check out. I love walking and being outdoors.
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
More tests today:
Using my charge card, forgot my P.I.N. number, which I use every week and am good with numbers, so that is unusual. Other mental symptoms: mood swings. Expansive, joyous Sunday, depressed Monday, numb, shocked, overwhelmed today, this all seems surreal. Was at a party Saturday with friends who are very good at being scent-free, but there always is some degree of exposure, so this may just be the effects of that. Feel too scrambled to get on with work today that needs to be done: organize finances, find consultants, document symptoms, research toxicity and detox issues.
At the lab this morning, the technician related she did her thesis in the '70's on the Northern Ontario mercury poisoning of aboriginal communities around Dryden when they ate fish from waters polluted by pulp and paper industry. Hopefully there will be some helpful info from that re treatment.
Cutler recommends eating low-thiol foods to prevent "mobilizing" mercury. My dental toxicologist gave a list of foods high in sulfur to eat to help eliminate it. Not all sulfur-containing foods have thiols. Confusing.
Here's an interesting tidbit (kidney damage link above):
Both inorganic and organic mercury compounds have an avid affinity for thiol (-SH) chemical groups and this is the property which renders them toxic. Most proteins, and all enzymes, contain these thiol groups; this explains both the binding of mercury to all body tissues and many of the biological effects. Most mercury compounds are potent but unspecific enzyme inhibitors, affecting membrane permeability and hence nerve conduction and tissue respiration. In this respect, the biochemical effects of mercury resemble those of black widow spider venom.
I've been thinking about death, wondering if either toxicity or the detox process will kill me sooner rather than later. It has a good effect of focusing my attention on what I want to get done in this life and on relishing every aspect of this earth existence that I love. No time to waste on non-essentials. What would I not want to leave undone if I knew I only had a short time left to live? (I should clean up my apt.) What do I want to say to whom, to be sure before I die that I have said what I need to say. (Should I explain to my ex about the mercury poisoning that was going on when we were together?) Nobody knows when they will die (rare zen monks and mystics excluded) but we mostly assume we will live 'til old. We really do not know.
I know there is life after the body dies, that we are consciousness not limited to corporality. I am excited about being born into the next life, believe it is much better. But things to do here first. For now, R & R.
Happy New Year!
- urine mercury (Hg) levels -see how much is being excreted and how well kidneys are handling it. Kidney damage is high on the list of Hg toxicity effects.
- Also homocysteine blood levels, an indicator of cardiovascular disease. Had chest and left arm pain a few days ago for the first time, signs of heart trouble. Aside from direct mercury effects, I've been diabetic, possibly due to Hg damage to pancreas, for about 10 years and blood sugars have been getting harder to manage this year, typical at the 10-yr point for diabetics (type 2). Cardiovascular disease is a main effect of diabetes, most diabetics die from it.
- ECG - certain changes in heart electrical patterns are seen with Hg poisoning.
Using my charge card, forgot my P.I.N. number, which I use every week and am good with numbers, so that is unusual. Other mental symptoms: mood swings. Expansive, joyous Sunday, depressed Monday, numb, shocked, overwhelmed today, this all seems surreal. Was at a party Saturday with friends who are very good at being scent-free, but there always is some degree of exposure, so this may just be the effects of that. Feel too scrambled to get on with work today that needs to be done: organize finances, find consultants, document symptoms, research toxicity and detox issues.
At the lab this morning, the technician related she did her thesis in the '70's on the Northern Ontario mercury poisoning of aboriginal communities around Dryden when they ate fish from waters polluted by pulp and paper industry. Hopefully there will be some helpful info from that re treatment.
Cutler recommends eating low-thiol foods to prevent "mobilizing" mercury. My dental toxicologist gave a list of foods high in sulfur to eat to help eliminate it. Not all sulfur-containing foods have thiols. Confusing.
Here's an interesting tidbit (kidney damage link above):
Both inorganic and organic mercury compounds have an avid affinity for thiol (-SH) chemical groups and this is the property which renders them toxic. Most proteins, and all enzymes, contain these thiol groups; this explains both the binding of mercury to all body tissues and many of the biological effects. Most mercury compounds are potent but unspecific enzyme inhibitors, affecting membrane permeability and hence nerve conduction and tissue respiration. In this respect, the biochemical effects of mercury resemble those of black widow spider venom.
I've been thinking about death, wondering if either toxicity or the detox process will kill me sooner rather than later. It has a good effect of focusing my attention on what I want to get done in this life and on relishing every aspect of this earth existence that I love. No time to waste on non-essentials. What would I not want to leave undone if I knew I only had a short time left to live? (I should clean up my apt.) What do I want to say to whom, to be sure before I die that I have said what I need to say. (Should I explain to my ex about the mercury poisoning that was going on when we were together?) Nobody knows when they will die (rare zen monks and mystics excluded) but we mostly assume we will live 'til old. We really do not know.
I know there is life after the body dies, that we are consciousness not limited to corporality. I am excited about being born into the next life, believe it is much better. But things to do here first. For now, R & R.
Happy New Year!
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