Saturday, 31 December 2011

On the 5th day of Christmas my doctor gave to me:  blood mercury (Hg) levels result: 4 mcg/L,  low compared to people eating tainted seafood, can be 500 or 1000. I don't eat much seafood. That means amount in Bi Yan Pian pills was low, but it accumulates over time and I used it a long time, 8 years. This blood level says nothing about how much mercury is stored in body cells, no help in assessing chronic exposure. Hair analysis results should be in this week which may help.

Some stats:

  • According to a 2009 survey of the population in Canada, up to 26% of mercury in humans is from dental amalgams, which is inorganic mercury, the rest is from methylmercury in fish and seafood (there are a few different forms of mercury, it's not clear to me yet which was in Bi Yan Pian, need to call the help line the company set up.)

  •  Health Canada guidelines (as of 1970's):  "Blood levels below 20 μg/L (or 6 mg/kg in hair) are considered “acceptable”, levels above 20 but below 100 are considered “at increasing risk” and levels greater than 100 μg/L in blood (or 30 mg/kg in hair) are considered “at risk”.  . . 

  • In 1998, Health Canada’s Food Directorate proposed that the increased susceptibility of the developing fetus to methylmercury toxicity should be recognized and developed a provisional Tolerable Daily Intake (pTDI) for pregnant women, women of reproductive age and infants set at 0.2 μg/kg bw/day. . . a blood value of 8 μg/L [for] women of childbearing age and pregnant women for the protection of the fetus."

I had hair analysis done just before starting Bi Yan Pian in 2003; it'll be interesting to see the difference. Will repeat after amalgams are out.

Symptoms tell the story of chronic intoxication better than any lab test. Prior to Bi Yan Pian I had depression, anxiety, food allergies, muscle weakness and tremors, sinusitis, skin disorders like psoriasis, hypothryoidism, diabetes, liver problems, hormonal challenges (PMS). Right after losing a large amount of weight I had shakes, hallucinations, hair falling out in clumps, loss of menses for a year, panic attacks, severe insomnia.

Symptoms have changed over the years, some things improved, some worsened. Soon after starting Bi Yan Pian I developed multiple chemical sensitivities a.k.a. Environmental Illness, hypersensitivity to light and sound, then severe sleep apnea (stop breathing while asleep). A yellow lightbulb in my bedroom is so soothing compared to regular white light. Being in the presence of paint caused ulcers to form inside my nostrils, cold sores to break out on my mouth, asthma,  mental confusion, panic, "brain fog", mood swings, weakness, dizziness, gastrointestinal distress progressing from burping to heartburn to diarrhea (can tell if a room painted within about 9 months because I will start to burp), sinusitis progressing to throat and flu-like chest infections which I had once or twice a year until I understood what was causing this (paint, renovation materials, perfumes, and now I know it's because mercury is in me). Once in a meeting room with a newly installed presentation board cabinet I felt terribly unwell and afterwards had sickeningly strong irregularities in my heartbeat.

Since starting CPAP breathing machine Sept. 2009 because of sleep apnea, my mental health has improved hugely, energy levels, mood, concentration. I felt like a new person immediately, with steady improvements over the two years. Wonderful to feel so calm and stable, with energy to do things.

Now Alzheimer-like symptoms have started up, as described earlier in blog:  episodes of incomprehension of speech and inability to speak, breathlessness once or twice - lung or heart symptoms. New symptoms last night reflect development of heart troubles (sternal chest pain, severe left arm pain). Being diabetic and obese = high risk of heart attack or strokes, and these symptoms fall into those categories so must follow up with family doctor.  I had already asked him for an Electrocardiogram, will do Tues., so that is good timing.

During reflexology a few days ago (birthday treat!) I felt pain in the area of my foot representing the heart. Some think this is quackery but I have improvements in edema since starting it and have no problem with the theories of meridians and pressure points even though not well educated in it. "Balancing the gates" using meridians can stop some of my sensitivity reactions completely, I do that morning and evening and after exposures.

 For the past 4 years I have been doing "detoxing" recommended by my Environmental Doctor using "Nutridetox", a complex of multivitamin + minerals + digestive enzymes + antioxidants + chelators (bind with Hg to pull it out of cells so it can be eliminated in stool, urine), combined with a 3x/year "cleansing" using a homeopathic remedy that helps liver remove toxins from the body, Unda #1 and #20. Recently I stopped using that detox supplement when I looked up every single ingredient and discovered some I am allergic to, may have been causing chronic ear and throat problems and low grade depression, that were not obvious from ingredient list:  glutathione is made from whey milk protein, silymarin is milk thistle. The question of accountability with this physician is one more issue on a very large pile. I have heard opposing opinions about whether detoxing is safe to do while dental amalgams still and must continue to look into it.

As I'm finding re many mercury issues, there are many unknowns, truth and fiction are all mixed up, with "experts" on both sides of arguments making generalized and sometimes unfounded claims, meaning no research has been done to prove or disprove them. Credibility is what I must decide in each case, by doing a lot more research and consulting with many people with serious experience in the field, being wary of quackery, it is easy to be misled by false claims giving false hope -usually promoting services costing a lot of money.

When you really want something badly it is tempting to believe it when someone promises it is so, even if they have no reason for saying it beyond their personal opinion or "observations", which is not good enough when it comes to life and death and disability decisions.

Last night (after photocopying at Staples - ozone, new furniture, plastics; my respirator not on all the time, it gets hot, I take it off for relief sometimes) I had what is most likely symptoms of heart trouble - severe pain radiating down  left arm, painful pressure at sternum (breastbone), a lot of edema (swelling from water leaking from cells) at legs. Preceded by very high blood pressure, 185/94 in the morning before blood pressure medication, Coversyl, started a couple of months ago because of a new problem with high blood pressure, following a year of increasing problems with edema - which originally began after starting the Env. Dr. detox regimen, he warned me about edema appearing. It did and has been getting worse. We halved the dose, now I am off it completely. Pitting edema at shins had become episodes of small to large puffy swelling in muscles of lower legs, ankles, feet, then hypertension.

Time to take a break and have some fun with singing friends to bring in the New Year Joyfully! May yours be richly blessed.

Saturday, 24 December 2011

On waking after a night of sleep, my eyes are always blurry. After this week's amalgam removal the blurriness was worse than usual, only the day after, then back to par. Everything is starting to make sense.

When I wake up I always feel tired to exhausted. Now I understand - mercury releases through the night have been wreaking havoc. I grind my teeth. Mercury causes tension that may result in bruxism. In 1998 severe obstructive sleep apnea was finally diagnosed, altho sadly took a YEAR in our backed-up health system to get a breathing machine at home so air is delivered to my body when breathing stops while asleep. Because of mercury poisoning. It was killing me. I'll never forget the first night on CPAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure) during hospital testing, waking up feeling mentally like looking thru a clean car windshield previously covered in thick dirt. Also sadly, it had been suggested six years earlier as a possible contributor to obesity by a physician consulted for weight issues, but that was never followed up, family doctor did not refer me to a sleep lab until I accidentally recorded the sleep apnea myself - actually a miracle - my tiny mp3 recorder was turned off and on by me while soundly asleep! as the recording proves. Angels intervene, always pray for help!

Altho my father had sleep apnea, I knew nothing about it, how extremely serious it is and what a huge difference CPAP makes. (Being constantly in a foggy, confused, exhausted state of mind means things go by the wayside instead of receiving attention needed). That meant six more unnecessary years of sleep disturbance (altho I was unaware, it's mostly unconscious). When finally tested it was every 15 minutes! Hundreds of times a night. No wonder my mental health was deteriorating to the point where I felt like a total "basketcase" of mood swings, irritability, exhaustion, depression, anxiety, inability to think or concentrate or make good decisions. 

That was after an earlier severe depression was cured by stopping dairy intake - bad milk allergy. If you are depressed there is a reason, not necessarily psychological (altho that can be a good reason, if you have been traumatized at any point in your life or otherwise have mental illness). Do not rest until you find out what it is! Allergies, heavy metal toxicity, physical or emotional injuries, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), all kinds of things can cause depression and other mental illness, also social stressors like dysfunctional family dynamics, and genetics. Research all possibilities. I was bounced from psychologist to psychiatrist for so many years, no one looking at the cause, just treating symptoms, with treatments (and sometimes incompetence and abuse by therapists; two people I saw lost their licences!) that often made things worse.

My energy gets better as the day goes on, for years it took 'til suppertime to have enough energy for chores or errands (now only on occasional bad days). Then I would stay up late getting things done, enjoying having a bit of energy and clarity but establishing a late sleep cycle. Plus post-meal sleeping spells added to that. Have only this year been able to start getting sleep back into a more normal cycle, bed by midnight or 1 a.m., up at 8 or 9 a.m., 7 hours enough to feel rested, no more nightmares. Still working toward earlier bedtime.

Insomnia and severe sleep disorder began in 1988 after I lost a bunch of weight which I believe now created a mercury release (and who knows what else was stored in that fat).  Fortunately subsequent rebound weight gain (50 lost, 90 gained), plus observing the insanity of focusing on weight loss without addressing psychosocial issues, taught me to stop dieting as a solution to unhappiness with self. And extremity of mercury symptoms taught me to pray (feeling like the devil was breathing down my neck, sheer terror and panic, e.g.).

For two years I couldn't sleep more than 2-4 hours in a row, followed by two years of not being able to stay awake more than a couple of hours. Drugs never helped, only made symptoms worse - after Prozac one year I developed all kinds of allergies, a known side effect, and a panic disorder that necessitated hospitalization, where it took 3 weeks to withdraw from Prozac effects and be free of the panic disorder. The previous year I had endured 12 days in a hospital psych ward (seriously unpleasant place to be) for doctors to assess medication for the severe insomnia and after a few unsuccessful drug attempts left me on the Prozac while no-one picked up on mercury amalgams as a possible cause of depression, insomnia, anxiety, panic. No assessment of heavy metal toxicity was done at all. 

My dentist told me many years ago the surfaces of my teeth show wear, but never recommended a mouth guard to prevent the teeth grinding which would explain why I feel worse on waking - grinding amalgams through the night releasing vapour. Also explains nightmares.

Another mystery now clear:  bladder irritability after starting detox a few years ago. Some people say it is not safe to detox while amalgams still in, others say it is ok. Myself, I feel better in some ways but also show new signs of toxicity (dysarthria, ataxia). Detoxing means mercury is pulled out of tissues for liver and kidneys to eliminate, it circulates. So my bladder reacts to the presence of mercury with urgent need to void despite only a tiny amount to urinate. A useful symptom: get-this-poison-out-fast, altho sometimes it's inconvenient!

Many mysterio now clarified. It is such a fantastic relief to know where stuff is coming from. Here is one page with just some of what mercury can do:

  • irritability
  • anxiety/nervousness, often with difficulty in breathing
  • restlessness
  • exaggerated response to stimulation
  • fearfulness
  • emotional instability
    -lack of self control
    -fits of anger, with violent, irrational behavior
  • loss of self confidence
  • indecision
  • shyness or timidity, being easily embarrassed
  • loss of memory
  • inability to concentrate
  • lethargy/drowsiness
  • insomnia
  • mental depression, despondency
  • withdrawal
  • suicidal tendencies
  • manic depression

  • numbness and tingling of hands, feet, fingers, toes, or lips
  • muscle weakness progressing to paralysis
  • ataxia
  • tremors/trembling of hands, feet, lips, eyelids or tongue
  • incoordination
  • myoneural transmission failure resembling Myasthenia Gravis

  • Freya Koss (right) was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis after being stuck with double vision and ptotis (drooping eyelids) after having amalgam fillings placed.

    Freya in 2002 after safe amalgam removal and detoxification.
    She is now Director of Development for Consumers for Dental Choice.
    More of her story is on their website at

  • motor neuron disease (ALS)
  • Multiple Sclerosis, see Janie's Story, and Ken Pressner's Speech to the MS Society 

  • bleeding gums
  • alveolar bone loss
  • loosening of teeth
  • excessive salivation
  • foul breath
  • metallic taste
  • burning sensation, with tingling of lips, face
  • tissue pigmentation (amalgam tattoo of gums)
  • leukoplakia
  • stomatitis (sores in the mouth)
  • ulceration of gingiva, palate, tongue
  • dizziness/acute, chronic vertigo
  • ringing in the ears
  • hearing difficulties
  • speech and visual impairment
    -restricted, dim vision

  • food sensitivities, especially to milk and eggs
  • abdominal cramps, colitis, diverticulitis or other G.I. complaint
  • chronic diarrhea/constipation

  • abnormal heart rhythm
  • characteristic findings on EKG
    -abnormal changes in the S-T segment and/or
    -lower broadened P wave
  • unexplained elevated serum triglyceride
  • unexplained elevated cholesterol
  • abnormal blood pressure, either high or low

  • chronic headaches
  • allergies
  • severe dermatitis
  • unexplained reactivity
  • thyroid disturbance
  • subnormal body temperature
  • cold, clammy skin, especially hands and feet
  • excessive perspiration, w/frequent night sweats
  • unexplained sensory symptoms, including pain
  • unexplained numbness or burning sensations
  • unexplained anemia
    -G-6-PD deficiency
  • Chronic kidney disease
    -nephrotic syndrome
    -receiving renal dialysis
    -kidney infection
  • adrenal disease
  • general fatigue
  • loss of appetite/with or without weight loss
  • loss of weight
  • hypoglycemia

Now back to happy Christmas preps!

Friday, 23 December 2011

Friday, Dec. 23. Urgent visit to dentist this morning to correct sharp edges from Wed. work hurting my tongue. While there received fecal heavy metal test results. Good news and bad news. Bad = high levels of mercury present, also somewhat elevated other toxins I'll have to see what the interpretation of will be - arsenic, cadmium, thallium. The dentist said 'there is more here than we can fix .' I get cigarette smoke in apt. from neighbours, maybe from that, not sure. Maybe more gifts from China. At any rate, mercury is confirmed, that is the good news, to know at long last (25 years!) why so ill and  not able to recover despite constant efforts.

Not that I had any doubt, once I read up on mercury toxicity, because symptoms fit the profile perfectly. Ran into an old friend who suffers from what is diagnosed as "lupus", another chronic degenerative disease. Nobody told her about mercury toxicity in amalgams either. It is a well kept secret apparently.

After eating, right leg puffed up a bit with edema (it always swells more than the left). Lyphosot homeopathic remedy takes good care of that. Need to look more into the issue of sulphur foods/thiols discussed by author Cutler, don't know what to make of it at this point. I do konk out after some meals, nap for a couple of hours. Thought it was a sleep apnea symptom but it may be mercury getting activated by certain foods.

More issues keep popping up their heads. Need a medical consultant I have confidence in. That is my request to Santa.

Meanwhile, must not let all this biz overshadow the joy of Christmas. Having fun wrapping gifts and decorating my home whilst hearkening to favourite tunes. I love Christmas music!And tomorrow my favourite movie - Alistair Sim in Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Can you see him in his long nightgown and nightcap? giggling with glee as his grinchly heart finally opens? I love it. "dHave yourself a merry little Christmas . . .d"

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Yesterday had one large old amalgam replaced to repair a cavity in a tooth giving jolts of discomfort. The IAOMT dentist used tools to minimize exposure to mercury vapours:  a large vacuum in front of my face as well as suction in the mouth by her assistant, oxygen by nasal prongs, and an oral dam - piece of rubber over mouth. There were no problems and I am very happy to have one big chunk of mercury out of me.

Symptoms:  sudden high exposure to mercury vapor inhaled into the lung causes headaches, cough, chest pain, and difficulty breathing. It may also cause soreness of the mouth, loss of teeth, nausea, and diarrhea.

Following the procedure I took supplements including NAcetyl Cysteine 500 mg which can cause nausea and diarrhea (also took vitamin C 1 G, mineral complex, MSM sulfur, garlic, triphala).

So what caused the chest heaviness and gut trouble I had last night? The dental exposure at dentist's would be small, so I think it is NAC, will not take for now. An intermittent tremor in left forearm, mild sinus irritation, and edema starting to puff up legs, feet and a bit in hands - these I expect are mercury effects. I took lyphosot, a homeopathic diuretic used for years with good results - edema clears quickly. To help clear mercury am eating lots of fruits and vegetables (antioxidants!), emphasizing sulfur foods like cabbage, and taking espom baths as I did last night after procedure, drinking lots and lots of water to keep the kidneys flushing out the mercury. Also:

Current supplements:  garlic, sulfur (MSM), vitamin C (2 G/day), B complex, trace mineral complex, selenium (adding amounts in mineral complex so as not to exceed 200 mcg/day), calcium-magnesium (1:1, citrate, not constipating carbonate), coQ10, small dose (25 mg) alpha lipoic acid as it gave me insomnia and hyper/zoomy feeling in larger dose.

Ayurvedic tools:  triphala, spice tea, turmeric paste (cooked with water 8 minutes to make a paste, more digestible; black pepper sprinkled on a teaspoon of paste a.m. and eve to improve turmeric action, anti-inflammatory), nasal rinses (I use a neti pot, salt and baking soda, warm the water - fantastic results), then oil nares and ears (prevents rebound swelling in nares, reduces itchiness in ears; I use sweet almond oil), deep breathing, relaxation, yoga and meditation, oiling skin when showering (oil for nerves. I have a Cayce remedy mix of oils including olive and peanut, called "Aura Glow").

re testing: When asked why I did not do the testing with the naturopath-chiropractor I explained it is too costly at over $300 for tests whose reliability is questionable, and since reactions to things can change day by day no "biocompatibility" test is any guarantee I won't react, so not worth paying for. The dentist said she was more concerned about the anesthetic ("freezing"), I assured her I've been using dental injections and topical freezing without difficulty for many years, so we proceeded without difficulty.

I would not get any info about the safety of drugs as far as allergies/sensitivities from these tests, which I believe are a useless very expensive waste of time and money that can give misleadingly false information about health status. Naturotherapists, naturopaths, chiropractors are not trained or qualified to make medical diagnoses, to say whether you have or do not have certain diseases.

Marketing tricks can include using technical terms that overwhelm people unfamiliar with it. Fancy equipment can look impressive without actually doing anything useful. Remember the Wizard of Oz? an ordinary man  hiding behind a big facade using microphone amplification, a false voice, and explosive fireworks to manipulate people into believing he had special powers and therefore was qualified to direct them. In reality he was just a lost person lacking the courage and knowledge to find his way home.But the idolizing childlike little munchkins treated him like a king, bestowing riches and authority totally unwarranted. Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware.

Fresh snow today, feels like Christmas - happy. Now to call Poison Control Centre.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Have decided to proceed with composite filling for a new cavity tomorrow, without the questionable testing by  naturopath-chiropractor (buccal currents, organ-mercury content, "biocompatibility"). For ten years I've had composites without any known trouble.

Will go very, very slowly with amalgam removal prioritizing by pain, as in one tooth now, and degree of amalgam corrosion, while continuing research on safe detox. My symptoms reflect both improvements with lessening of mercury load, and progression of brain symptoms associated with mercury toxicity so it's hard to sort out what is happening. On the one hand, clearing mercury with supplements, foods, triphala, epsom baths, seems to be giving me better energy and mood, less muscle pain/weakness/twitching/cramps and sinusitis. On the other hand, new symptoms keep appearing, dangerous, Alzheimer-like (memory loss, exceedingly forgetful, episodic incomprehension of speech and inability to express speech).

Will look for a medical specialist to help, maybe Poison Control centre can help, or pharmacist.  Naturopaths and chiropractors have limited training and I do not have full confidence in their art when it comes to something as serious as this, especially with people who are relying on the work of a man shown to have done egregious harm to his patients, even though belief in mercury toxicity from amalgams may be correct. There still has to be careful, honest, reproducible research to show the truth about effectiveness and safety of procedures. Unfortunately people arguing both sides of the debate are making blanket statements with no back-up evidence in some instances, so credibility is an issue all around; close scrutiny of statements and sober, objective judgment is necessary.

For now, continuing with vitamins, minerals, garlic, sulfur foods and supplement, coQ10, epsom baths. I am comfortable with these. Sinusitis is less troublesome - went to a party with scent-free friends 2 days ago, no major sinusitis today when it usually would occur, just a little "dopey" and tired, plus slept an extra few hours, as is typical. That's progress. But brain gaps occurring at the same time, e.g., putting things in the wrong place.

Onwards and upwards! It's almost Christmas and I'm happily preparing for a gentle, quiet celebration of knowing the Spirit of Truth, Peace and Love abides in our hearts, allowing that to guide my decisions.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Some serious considerations counter the claim that removal of amalgams is necessary or beneficial. My research continues, it's a see-saw right now! Will not proceed before it is all as clear as possible, allowing for the fact that some things simply are not yet known. Just because there is no evidence yet of something doesn't mean it does not exist. And just because someone believes strongly in something does not mean it is true (esp. when they make money from it).

Today, I added supplements I consider safe, regardless of toxicity/removal question:  a trace mineral complex and a calcium-magnesium to replace the one I was using which I think was having a constipating effect. There are a variety of ways to take ca-mg so finding the right one is important, as too much calcium can cause kidney stones and calcification, for example. I spoke with a pharmacist to choose the best one for me. I need the minerals now because I stopped the multivitamin/mineral complex I was using for a long time, as when I researched each ingredient I found things I'm allergic to (milk and citrus). Previously I didn't know what was in it, just trusted the doctor to give me what was best without verifying it -that is a mistake.

I am using alternative vitamins, holding off on chelators (NAC, r-alpha-lipoic acid) for now, til I learn more about the question of whether chelating is safe while amalgams are still in, and to find out what is causing insomnia this week. Is it a new supplement, or is it that chelators are bringing mercury into circulation and the mercury is doing it? When I lost a large amount of weight therefore possibly got a bolus of mercury released from storage, in 1988, very severe insomnia for two years was horrible and dangerous to physical and mental health, will not take a chance on that.

Staying on the safe side.

I've been adding too many new elements at the same time, need to just do one at a time and wait a few days to see how I react. Patience! Make haste slowly. Fortunately, info is easy to access on internet. Unfortunately, myriad pages to wade through and many obviously profit-oriented ones and pseudo-science that requires close scrutiny.

Here is why it is serious:  when the dentist who invented some of these tests and procedures had his licence revoked, part of the reason was:  When faced with these serious diseases, it is no wonder patients are willing to grasp at any hope of improvement and turn to [him] for miraculous improvements he promises. The debilitating nature of diseases for which [he] offers treatment and desperate straits of a number of his patients, combined with a lack of any scientific basis for treatments he offers, make [his] conduct particularly egregious. [He] has taken advantage of the hope of his patients for an easy fix to medical problems and used this to develop a lucrative business for himself.

... diagnostic techniques and treatments offered are scientifically unsupported, without clinical justification, and outside the practice of dentistry. . .
. . . protocols he developed thus provide care which does not meet generally accepted standards of dental practice and, in many cases, is grossly negligent. . .  
all patients suffered financially, some also physically or emotionally . . .

encouraging D.A. to believe in her son's wish that she sell her wheelchair, is so out of proportion to any benefit which could be anticipated that it is cruel

Continuing research, reading websites of "biological dentists", their rationales for the testing I decided not to do at a cost of $300 plus. One says negative vs. positive electrical currents on fillings vary and affect outcomes depending on which ones are removed first. I need to look into these ideas more, another doctor says these tests are not valid, do not do what they claim. A dentist in the U.S. who came up with some of tests and ideas in questions lost his licence to practice relating to these issues.

 It's easy to be fooled when you don't understand the specialists language or scientific principles, so must keep looking at both sides of the story from many people's perspectives to get an idea of what's true and false.

Just spoke with a friend whose friend had serious complications when her amalgams were removed, so have asked my friend to get me more on that story. Proceed with caution is the lesson here, get info from people who have 'been there, done that', not just from practitioners with a product to sell for profit.

Meanwhile, I do feel better energy wise since an amalgam was removed in October, in some ways my mental functioning is better, I remember details like what-was-the-name-of-that-movie and don't feel so foggy, not having mood swings unless in the presence of fragrances/chemicals. So still thinking to proceed with removals, but maybe more slowly than suggested monthly schedule, to see effects.

Tonight I will enjoy the Christmas spirit with lovely choir friends, looking forward to a fun break from all this intense research and scary info on mercury. Have I mentioned? I LOVE Christmas. May yours be merry. And if you are sick and suffering, may you find a message of hope and an understanding of Spirit that will be useful to your life journey and bring you joy.

Friday, 16 December 2011

Web info abounds and is tricky to sort through, have decided to take more time and be sure I am well prepared before starting removals and replacements. Questions surround what products are safest for replacing  amalgams. One site has a long list of issues to look at . Will not rush into this.

Reactions to supplements newly added happening - insomnia, loose stools. Need to back up and introduce one at time and do more research on coQ10, alpha lipoic acid, MSM, NAC. Reacting to chlorella for sure, same large edema reaction as in 2009, plus histamine reaction - sneezing, watery eyes, congestion probably from that. Need to check what type of chlorella it is, apparently there are certain ones that are best.

Lots of work to do.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Pondering and researching and applying common sense, I decided not to do the $300-plus testing.
Allergies and sensitivities are fickle things, even if I test ok on something that does not mean I will not react, so there is nothing served by having substances stated as "safe". Another way of testing seems more reliable and not costly, to put a sample in the mouth between cheek and gum, do that repeatedly for a couple of weeks  and see what happens.

The other tests the naturopath-chiropractor does do not seem to be any help to me. I already know I have mercury in me because of the drug recall for high levels, I used it heavily for years, and my symptoms all correlate with mercury toxicity. Plus the fact of having many, and some very old corroded, amalgams. So it's pointless to do a test to say, yes there is mercury, and yes, it is disturbing the organs, I already know that.
The last test, "buccal currents" to determine order of work - I already know where to start by the pain in a tooth. Then most corroded. After that I'm not concerned, they all will come out in a not too long period. So I can't justify spending $300  on unnecessary info. I am curious why he says detox should not be done while amalgams present, but will search elsewhere for the arguments.
Ah, the plot thickens and the politics of mercury asserts itself today. Went to see the dental toxicologist, the surgeon who will remove amalgams. Not today. Today we just went over the plan and clarified some issues:

1) she does not do the bio-detox, figuring out what supplements to take and when. That is for the Environmental Medicine (E.M.) physician and/or Naturopathic doctor to do. She just drills and fills teeth. Naturopath told me this week it'd be E.M.'s job to monitor if I chose to use DMSA, one chelator some recommend, others say is too harsh. I'm reluctant but waiting to see more information.

Detoxing can go on for years, she said, people report immediate improvements when amalgams first removed, but residual problems such as environmental sensitivities (as I have in the extreme) may remain, prognosis unknown as to whether there will be some permanent damages or gradual return to normal, it may depend on how long you've been ill and exposed to mercury, and degree of exposure. And other factors involved, especially psychosomatic issues (anxiety, unresolved trauma).

2) She will only take one or two amalgams out at a time in my case, then wait 3 weeks before doing the next one. Priority is by (a) tooth in pain  (b) degree of deterioration. I have one bothering me so we will start there, hopefully next week . . .  With 8 to do, that's 24 weeks, won't be done before next June.

(3)  . . .  first I am advised (by naturopath) to get tested by yet another specialist in mercury detox, a naturopath-chiropractor. $295 plus HST, total 333.35 must pay by month's end. Cash or cheque only.
i) heavy metals test for organs
ii) disturbances due to teeth  (see how tooth health is affecting other body parts)
iii)  bio-compatible materials for dental composites (material used to fill cavities)
        -test dental surgeon's composites, of which he has samples, to see how I react to them
iv)  Buccal currents. Test electrical patterns in mouth, tells surgeon the order in which to do the work.
Testing takes an hour. He prepares a written report and faxes it to the surgeon.

There are arguments against this sort of testing, calling it "quackery". I find it questionable to be sure and would not take any of it as definitive or make decisions based solely on information provided by tests not widely accepted as reliable. One person's, or isolated group of person's passion is not proof of validity of a practice. Still, curiosity draws me to find out what the tests say, and since I have no other way of assessing whether materials will cause sensitivity reactions, this might help. On the other hand, perhaps there is no way of predicting reactions, in which case it's a waste of time, money and effort and I will react or not regardless of what these tests reveal; this is what I expect is closest to reality. I am interested in what this naturopath-chiropractor has to say, so will do the testing but take it with a grain of salt and keep studying both sides of the issue. I see no harm in it as long as I am not gullible, do not take these opinions as gospel.

The assistant at this tester naturopath-chiropractor's office said my Environmental Doctor has been informed by them that detoxing while amalgams are still in the mouth, as he has done with me, causes "trouble". Tomorrow will investigate what is meant by that. I have heard several opinions that this is a safe practice (homeopath, naturopath, env. dr. mentioned, an online physician specializing in this). A raging debate perhaps. (Ha ha  -- mercury causes anger, rage.)

It makes my head spin to hear all the arguing back and forth, and consequences to my health can be serious, so this puts me in a very vulnerable position and makes decision-making difficult, when it's already challenged by the illness itself (confusion, lack of concentration, fatigue, cognitive impairment, emotional lability . . .). That calls for clear thinking, not emotional judgments, and for autonomous decisions not being overly swayed by practitioner's opinions, particularly people who profit from the practice in question. Bottom line:  will it do harm? will it cost too much? in time, money, energy, emotional involvement. I will not invest hopes one way or another, just keep an open mind and keep doing more research, listening to other's experiences - MANY others, since there is a hodge-podge of contradictory data out and about. Most importantly perhaps, common sense and intuition.

Right now, both say that having the most poisonous (non-radioactive) substance on the planet in my mouth is not a good thing, that symptoms I've suffered for years match those of known mercury toxicity, that all testing has a degree of uncertainty to it (exact amounts of heavy metals in tissues simply cannot be measured by any known means, is what I understand so far), so judging whether removing amalgams is wise or necessary will boil down to:  does it make me feel better?

I feel significantly more energy and better mood since one was removed 2 months ago (and overall since having four others out over the last 10 years, along with improvements in nutrition and exercise, psychological counselling, lifestyle improvements like having more fun! and learning more ways to relax and improve relationship skills, strengthening spiritual practices - so gains can't be all related only to fillings, neither can ills).

Most recent (in the past year) progress has come with simple, natural detox things such as drinking lots of filtered water and no caffeine, soda or alcohol (rarely), eating lots of greens and avoiding junk food, triphala fruit blend to flush the bowels gently (not with strong laxatives which cause dependency), nasal rinses to remove allergens or irritants (huge difference, much less infection and exhaustion). Other detox elements I reserve judgment on at this point, will proceed cautiously and not do anything too extreme. I did the best thing for myself ever in quitting smoking 12 years ago -hurray!

Multivitamins and minerals I'm ok with, still looking at other supplements suggested to see if they seem safe, especially chelators, substances that bind mercury to eliminate it via intestines, skin (sweat), urine. The danger is that detoxing can bring mercury into circulation, like stirring up the mud in a puddle rather than leave it lying on the bottom, and maybe that is why I'm having new symptoms this year even while overall energy is better (incidents of not being able to comprehend speech or inability to speak, balance problems, muscle pain and weakness, cramps, lately mild nausea). We'll see what the guy says tomorrow.

Lots of questions, many mysteries. Steady as she goes. This is hard work! but my health is worth it and I am very happy to make sense of what has been going on health-wise for many, many years. Rejoicing.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Still slogging through the supplements maze, mental haziness makes it challenging  - confusion, forgetting, hard to retain new info. This morning another phone consult with Naturopathic doctor helped sort it out.

Discovered the detox supplement I've been taking for four years via Environmental Doctor has citrus and dairy elements, both of which I'm very allegic to. Could explain chronic ear trouble, swollen glands and low grade depression. I stopped it on Monday, today is Wed., and even though I was out for the evening Monday night I had NO SINUSITIS today! That is a miracle, first time in many many years that exposures have not caused crippling sinusitis by day two afterwards. Sore muscles only, and tiredness.

I am so happy. To know the cause and to be starting to feel some improvement, even before amalgams are all out, just one out a month ago - must've been a leaky one, because my energy is much better since.

Had another lovely epsom bath yesterday, doing them every two days. A rash that had been developing the last few months melted away once I started the baths, now gone. Yay magnesium!

Replacing the previous detox supplement with its components is my task now:  multivitamins, minerals, antioxidants, chelators. The dental specialist uses Dr. Tom McGuire's protocol as a guideline, I'm tweaking to accommodate my sensitivities.  Fortunately there is a great supplier nearby, plus others if need be. Unfortunately it adds up quickly. Spent over $100 the other day on a few bottles.

Added MSM (sulfur) today -mercury binds to it. Dental toxicologist gave a list of sulfur-containing foods to eat to help pass mercury through bowels:  avocado, beans, broccoli, brown rice, cabbage, cauliflower, eggs, garlic, turnips, sprouts, onions, etc. And I use triphala daily to keep everything flowing smoothly.

Tomorrow see dental surgeon (toxicologist), to be sure I'm preparing for amalgam removal properly with detox supplements, and to get samples of the composites she uses to fill cavities to take to yet another doctor for testing for sensitivities, since I have so many.

All whilst starting to get Christmas preps underway. I love Christmas.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Detox supplementation is complex and I am getting lost in the forest, having trouble keeping things straight, will review with Naturopath Wed., meanwhile writing everything down carefully, reading and re-reading info.

Found a site  with list of which seafoods are safe to eat. Fortunately, rainbow trout is on the list, I love it! smothered with onions and dijon mustard, yum.

Looking at websites:   US Center for Disease Control and Prevention,
Health Canada's site on Safety of Dental Amalgams,
 Agency for Toxic Substances . . . ;

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Just off the phone with a fellow member of Environmental Health Association of Ontario (EHAO). We are updating our resource book, I agreed to help with a few pages. Hope I am not taking on too much, brain functioning is very iffy this week. Unfortunately. Friday I paid twice for something, luckily the clerk was honest and gave back overpayment. I did not remember paying just minutes before.

Fortunately, yesterday and today my mind feels brighter and clearer than in quite a long while, supplements seem to be helping, and epsom salts baths, plus getting good sleep using CPAP for sleep apnea -machine at night blows air into lungs so when breathing stops (apnea - which mercury poisoning causes) - my body still gets oxygen. Equipment for months was leaky and noisy, interrupting sleep, now replaced with new tubing and mask (I use nasal prongs, very comfortable), it's quiet, sleep much better. Good sleep is so so so so important. Thank goodness for our health system, imperfect as it is, this has literally saved my life.

Speaking of which, gotta go for a nap. Sleep apnea and/or  food reactions due to mercury's allergy/sensitivity-inducing effect means at some point every day at least once I get overwhelmingly sleepy and have to lie down, for up to an hour, to sleep it off. After shopping, even if wearing the R95 respirator (face mask) which reduces exposures and reactions hugely, the next two days usually mean bedrest and these sleepy periods. With severe or prolonged exposure to paint or perfumes or other chemicals I can sleep pretty much around the clock for a few days with no ability to do more than survival functions until it passes. And that's an improvement over 5 years ago, I'd be sick for a week after, e.g., attending my choir's concert. Since CPAP began in the fall of 2009, my recovery time has halved and reactions do not affect my mental state so badly. Which actually has been a problem because my early warning sign that something was affecting me used to be dizziness, anxiety, panic, confusion, aggression; these signs warned me to get fresh air. Now I don't feel it immediately when in the presence of some triggers, but the next day I'm tired, spaced out, lethargic, and the second day post-exposure sinusitis sets in with exhaustion and pain. So I have to remember the chemical dangers in public places even though now I don't feel it right away. Tricky, what  with an Alzheimer's-like effect happening under mercury's malicious meddling with my memory!

I learned only last year to prevent the debilitating sinus infection stage by preventing the nasal passages from being blocked, using nasal rinsing with a neti pot purchased at a yoga studio, which I'd had for years but only used occasionally. What I realized last year that made me ramp up use to daily and up to 3x/day post exposures, was reviewing what happens with allergy reactions:  mucous membranes lining sinuses become inflamed, swell; once swollen, ducts draining sinuses block; once blocked, mucous which carries away debris and bacteria cannot escape thus infection builds. So preventing infection means prevent obstruction by reducing inflammation, by rinsing away allergens a.s.a.p. after exposure. When I've been out, as soon as I get in I do a rinse, on top of routine morning and evening rinses. It makes a HUGE difference, I almost never get infections any more, although still react to all fragrances and get sinus headaches several times a week. That is much more manageable, not as totally energy depleting as infections.

Been fighting off sleepiness to write this, but it is taking over, gotta go. More later.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

This morning, reacted to n-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) as warned on the label and by naturopath, it can be toxic, had diarrhea. The store only had 250mg size, vs. Dr. McGuire's recommendation is 100 mg 3x/day, so that was not wise to take such a big dose. Decision making and judgment, as well as memory and concentration, are affected by mercury.  Will split NAC up, try 50 mg, see if I tolerate that. It's important to have cysteine levels adequate to take chlorella, I read somewhere, and chlorella is crucial according to some to bind mercury in gut to eliminate it; altho my naturopath thinks it is not a good chelator. It must be "broken cell" chlorella another note by a patient says. Once ok with NAC will try a small, dilute dose of chlorella. My dental toxicologist said some patients have trouble with it, as I did once.

Last time (2009) I tried a heavy metals detox, when I started chlorella edema hugely puffed up my hands and feet, so discontinued that, but I don't think I did it properly, maybe took 1000 mg tablets without diluting them. With brain injuries from mercury I don't always follow directions well, get confused and forgetful, so this time writing everything down on a schedule and will chart when doses taken so I know it is done, plus note reactions. Gee, like a nurse! Training comes in handy :-).

Moral of the story:  do your research, know what you are taking and how to do it right, follow directions carefully! Do not depend on your memory, write out what, when, use a drug dispensing box, is what I do. That way I know for sure I took it because it's gone! Monitor symptoms closely and do not dismiss it when something is off or seems odd, these are signs from the body telling you what is happening, some may be subtle. Report problems promptly to caregivers and do not let them ignore you. Earlier this year had some "subtle" weird things happen, like people speaking to me and I could not understand them, gobbledeegook. This happens to people having strokes or related "transient ischemic attacks", TIAs. When I told my doctor he minimized it, but now knowing the mercury situation, I believe it was a mercury effect. Similarly he had trouble registering "pitting edema" in my legs for the past couple of years because that is usually only seen in people like old heavy smokers with severe damage from years of abuse, young people do not have pitting edema. Generally. Now I know:  mercury. The signs over the years all make sense now. I predict it will become a much more commonly seen event as society wakes up to the fact that amalgams are poisoning people.

There have been several episodes since then of either incomprehension of speech or inability to formulate speech when I want to say something. Scary. Please be reversible! Mercury erodes neurons which every single activity in the body needs in order to function - blood vessels, muscles, organs, brain, every single cell is vulnerable. It is like a bully taking over the space where a good nutrient should be, crowding it out so necessary work does not get done, things malfunction everywhere and in acute, severe cases people die. See Minamata disease (get out the kleenex), in the '50s a chemical company in Japan killed thousands dumping toxic waste into water where people ate the fish. Then the company lied and denied for decades to avoid liability.

I kept my emails from detox attempt 2009, so was able to learn from those lessons and reviewed the experience this week with my Hielkunst homeopathist.  Her approach to heavy metals detox is:  chelation as done allopathically can be harsh on the body, the alternative is to, first, detox with homeopathic powders -she makes a set of 3 or 4 which I take over that many days, results can be powerful, a "healing crisis" comes usually in a week to ten days. At the same time I take a liquid detox remedy one drop a day until about 3 weeks after starting powders, by then the powders' healing reaction kicks in, I keep taking the daily dropper until that subsides. Concurrent with those remedies, cilantro extract (available at health food stores) diluted in water so it does not irritate stomach (4-5 drops in a glass of warm water sipped 2x/day) draws the mercury out of the brain, and chlorella (also in health food stores) to eliminate it through the gut, diluted in a litre of water and sipped through the day. Meanwhile a total of at least 2 litres water a day has to be drunk to keep flushing out the toxins; this is very, very important. You don't want to pull the mercury out of the cells then have it resettle there for lack of elimination - bowels and kidneys must flow well. Saunas good, too.

Brain, lungs, kidney and skin are especially vulnerable to mercury, I've read. At the same time as my thyroid and pancreas showed signs of damage I also developed psoriasis, that started ten years ago. Lately I've had a little rash just under my nose. After beginning epsom baths last week on my naturopath's advice (every other day 2-3 cups in warm tub for 20 minutes then rinsed off - that's important - and watch out for dizziness signifying blood pressure drop, hydrate with a big glass of filtered water before and after) -- after starting that,  noticed the rash is fading. And my skin feels lovely, soft and silky. And the baths are yummy. . .:)

For years I've not been able to tolerate our building's common laundry room because fabric softeners  pollute the air and make me very ill (even outside, have to cross the street near laundry vents). So I do laundry in my bathtub, it's always full of buckets and things hanging everywhere to dry (try washing bedsheets in your bathroom . . .) - hence, no baths in a long, long time. I missed them! Plus I have the coolest little "spa" pad that makes bubbles for a mini-hot-tub effect. So fun! and feels great. I'm happy to be doing that again.

Now for Christmas wrapping and writing and radio regaling (Randy Bachman's Vinyl Tap CBC radio one).
My choir friends are singing their hearts out tonight to a sold out house (1100 seats) at the magnificent Dominion Chalmers church. This is the first time in eight years I've not been with them, fragrances in such a large crowd would make me too ill. I used to go and pay the price, thinking I had to learn to live with Environmental Sensitivities the way one lives with allergies. Now I understand this is mercury reacting with chemicals, and now I no longer have the tainted medicine to cure sinusitis (since Bi Yan Pian was recalled due to high mercury levels), I must avoid exposures. "Break a leg" BSP! I know you will blow the audience away and bring warmth and love to hungry hearts.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Dec. 10 is International Human Rights Day. I often meet people who do not realize that refraining from using fragrances in the presence of someone with sensitivities is required by law -  the Canadian Human Rights Commission has good material on it.

Some act as if it's their right to wear scents -- not true, no one has the right to injure another, and scents do harm to vulnerable people. Fortunately most people comply and are supportive. Unfortunately it only takes one to make an entire assembly unsafe by their fragrance. So I had to stop participating in the choir I loved because there was always someone who forgot or didn't understand or refused to comply or didn't yet know. Family gatherings have had similar unfortunate results and I experience a lot of social isolation.

Fortunately, it's getting better known, because more and more people are acquiring sensitivities, I expect because a generation of us (or two) have mercury amalgams in our mouths eroding our immune systems generating allergies and sensitivities, autism and alzheimer's (thanks, Sue, for the link) and other illness. Staggering, a whole population poisoned by preventable practices. Gotta love alliteration! :-)

Detox supplements added today (after discussions with expert consultants as noted in previous blogs):
Kyolic garlic 300 mg/day, CoQ10 100 mg/day, Alpha Lipoic Acid 250 mg/day (need to check this, Dr. McGuire suggests 100 mg 3x/day), N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine 500 mg 3x/day.

Yesterday, started coriander seed extract, selenium, extra vitamin C. Plus general support measures:  meditation, relaxation, deep breathing (5 breaths, 5 times), continuing with practices in energy medicine - Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Body Talk, "balancing the gates" acupressure technique learned in NAET (allergy elimination technique) - it stops reactions in their tracks sometimes. Have a video on how to do self-reflexology, must learn that.

Blood test done for mercury levels to see effect of Bi Yan Pian, recalled due to high mercury levels.

Off to allopath's office to get requisition to test blood mercury levels. Then to Naturopath's to drop off lab results (Naturopathic drs are not licensed to do lab work and the lab would not send results to her office, so I had to get a copy, pay $10, and bring it to her). Then do the deed and see how high my mercury acute levels are from the tainted Bi Yan Pian.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Gathering all the input from consultations this week with homeopath, naturopath, physician, making a list of supplements to buy to add to daily intake. Realized must do detox now for tooth removed by regular dentist a month ago. My mental dysfunction from mercury poisoning is significant, slow on the uptake, extremely forgetful, Alzheimers-like behaviour. I set alarms and forget when they go off that I set them for a reason, make notes to self and forget to read them . . .

Excited at the thought of putting all this behind me. Wondering if damages are reversible or will some issues remain? I have serious memory and concentration problems, muscle weakness and pain, balance issues beginning, emotional lability, chronic fatigue, many allergies and severe sensitivities, multiple organ disease (thyroid, pancreas, liver, skin, lungs).

Made appointment with dental toxicologist today who will be removing amalgams, will see her in a week from now, waiting to hear back re what her plan is. Preparing ahead of time with supplementation:  vitamins and minerals, anti-oxidants, probiotic, ayurvedic cleanse (triphala) and tea, epsom baths - all to detox and strengthen system to prepare for stress of removal and exposure to mercury during removal. Dr. McGuire explains supplements for mercury detox, I went over it all with my Naturopath and made a list of what to take in the pre-removal prep time. Things to nourish body,  things to bind mercury, things to flush it out.

The dental toxicologist uses special techniques, which regular dentists are not trained in and therefore do not provide maximum protection against inhalation of mercury vapour which is absorbed by the body and  poisonous in any amount -  so the specialist does things to minimize it:  providing separate fresh air source, oral dam so no bits go into the gut, ample water flushing. (See IAOMT page).

My lovely elderly Irish neighbour gave me his television converter so after months of no t.v. I got to watch my favourite show, the Mentalist, tonight. Fun. R & R. Important.  Tomorrow's another day.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Phone appointment today with the environmental doctor whose "bedside manner" is unfortunately abrupt, impatient and harsh. There are not a lot of specialists in this field so not many options of where to go for help, but I do not intend to return to this one. The illness is stressful enough without caregiver adding to the burden with an unsympathetic, hurried, unfriendly, disrespectful attitude. I came well prepared for the discussion and was not dissuaded but I pity the patients who do not understand as well how to ask the right questions and not be put off by answers that are either vague, incomplete or like pulling teeth to get.

The information re detox he gave is, the detoxamine chelator he tried with me in 2009,  which I had to stop due to a bad reaction of extreme edema (fluid puffing) in my hands and feet,  is for lead and cadmium. DMSA and DMPS (get used to acronyms!) are the ones used for mercury.

Here is the non-specific detox I've been doing for four years:

1)  with Environmental Doctor:  a capsule complex including multivitamins and minerals, digestive enzymes, chelators NAC and r-alpha lipoic acid, antioxidants; this combined with homeopathic liver drainage 3x/yr; one attempt as above, detoxamine suppositories unable to complete treatment. Probiotic, too (acidophilus).

2)  with Hielkunst homeopathist, weekly then daily remedies for detox, as well as monthly or so remedies for timeline traumas (specific powders to remove effects of medicines, vaccinations, emotional and physical hurts, done chronologically).

3) nutritional "detox": less junk food, more cleansing, nourishing food:  green smoothies, lots of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, organic food, keep the bowels moving well with fibre and lots of water -also to flush kidneys, work up a sweat exercising regularly (not too successful with that part, exercise intolerance and injuries, low energy and sensitivities preventing class or gym use, but I do walk a lot, bicycle, garden).

4) This year, reflexology to improve lymph and organ circulation, pedal edema decreased right away and it feel so wonderful to get feet massaged!)

5) Various forms of energy medicine (Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Body Talk, Psych K)

More specific detox for heavy metals:  in 2009 as noted above, while doing a homeopathic heavy metals remedy which led to a powerful emotional release. Concurrently used cilantro extract ("to draw the mercury out of the cells") and tried chlorella ("to bind it in the gut for removal") but also reacted badly with edema to that (current dental toxicologist says she does see chlorella problems with some patients).

Nothing was ever said about mercury specifically by the Environmental Dr. His health assessment and list of stressors for Environmental Illness, given in his new patients info package, is extensive (sulfites, formaldehyde, etc.) but not one word about mercury or amalgams or dentistry at all. No mention of the most poisonous substance on earth as a possible cause of chronic illness. Conspicuous by its absence. What is it with this denial of mercury poisoning in our society? Are professionals really willing to let people get terribly sick or go insane ("Mad as a Hatter" = people used it to make felt hats, fumes destroy mental health) and not say anything about it? Is 25 years or more of my life so disposable?

I feel sick about it. And my head aches from the latest sinus flareup. Time for TLC and R&R - happy acronyms. 'Bye for now.
Good news re lab results, blood sugars ok, liver and kidney function ok, lipid profile (cholesterol, fats) not worse than it has been, possible thyroid issues, TSH levels doubled in the past few months (rises as thryoid fails; already on medication for ten years). So basically my organs are holding their own, this is good news. In June some protein was passing thru kidneys which is a sign of damage so glad to see that has not progressed.

Talked 50 minutes by phone with my Naturopathic doctor, reviewed detox options (DMSA vs others), testing options:  blood, urine; sent fecal heavy metals test Monday - for a "before" picture of how much mercury being excreted with amalgams still in, then afterwards will retest to see the difference once they are gone. Can't wait to see! This is the preferred test by the dental toxicologist who will be removing the amalgams, she showed me another client's graph, huge decline in mercury output after removal of fillings. I am waiting to hear from her after she gets xrays from my old dentist and goes over my info - four page symptom list I filled out in the hour-long consultation last Monday. She put a camera-on-a-stick in my mouth and showed me the backsides of my teeth (shocking - mercury leaching, fissures, cracks, amalgams so corroded the surface is orange-peel texture, gums receding, acidity wearing enamel). We viewed the youtube 'smoking mercury' video linked to in my "Day One" blog, blew me away. For years my dentist has assured me that mercury fillings are safe, it does not escape the teeth. All the while my health eroded along with amalgams' integrity.

Back to the naturopath this morning - a very helpful discussion going over supplements options. I have so many allergies and sensitivities that it's a minefield trying to take any new products, have to proceed uber-carefully. So I will start with safe ones, Kyolic garlic and vitamin C for now. Already take a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement, omega 3 oil, vit D (tested very low a couple of years ago, now on 2000 u/day summer, 4000 winter, and use an S.A. D. light from October to spring). Have a better understanding of minerals and why some products are better than others, having to do with how the body absorbs them and what agents are used to 'bind' them to make a pill or powder. Taking supplements is not something I will do without expert (not salesmen's) advice, creating mineral imbalances is dangerous because they work in teeny amounts very powerfully, the body's balance is delicately maintained, I don't want to throw it off by taking substances I do not understand.

We reviewed my various supplements to be sure we know the total amounts I'm taking of things like magnesium, which binds well to mercury. In recent months increasing trouble with muscle twitches, cramps, painful spasms and other pains especially when reacting to fragrances, has led me to look at magnesium levels, commonly a culprit with muscle issues, also can be related to thryroid malfunction; needs to be balanced with calcium. Am happy now with current regimen. It makes sense that if mercury attaches itself to magnesium my muscles would suffer from relative unavailability of it.

The dental toxicologist as well as the naturopath tell me foods high in sulfur bind mercury to eliminate it via intestines, so at grocery store this morning (beside allopathic doctor's office where I dropped by to pick up copies of  lab results, happening to mention in passing to him as he walked by, that I now know why I've been sick for 25 years . . . "Could be", he said. He's been my GP for must be close to ten years.), bought some avocado, brussel sprouts, spinach. Healing can be yummy and fun, too! That's my positive thought for the day. Plus, I'm over the moon at finally knowing the cause of this 25-year long ordeal. Praise God, hallelujah! :-)  Life is good. 'Bye for now.

I was inspired to blog by Nicole Moore, a Toronto nurse who recently survived a shark attack in Mexico and blogs her recovery. She inspires me with her determined positive perspective, always literally counting her blessings and seeing the clouds' silver linings. Living with mercury poisoning is scary and hard, maybe someone else will feel helped by me sharing my experience if I follow Nicole's lead and see what's good in every day. Thanks, Nicole! Keep up the good work.

I have a wonderful team of helpers from mainstream and alternative health fields. Yesterday, spent an hour and a half on the phone with my Hielkunst homeopathist going over mercury detox protocol and debriefing what's been happening. Today, phone appointments with my naturopathic doctor and the Environmental Medicine physician I've consulted for several years. Right now gotta go to allopath's office to get lab results. More later.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Day One

Last week I finally found the answer to a 25-year search:  why am I so ill?  Mercury poisoning. If you have metal fillings in your teeth, this may interest you. I am going to blog my journey through the maze of mercury rising . . . and departing from my life!

September, 2011, Health Canada recalled Chinese herbal medicine Bi Yan Pian, due to high mercury levels. I had been using BYP heavily for several years to cope with chronic sinusitis. It worked well and prevented reliance on dangerous antibiotics for sinus infections which came frequently with my Environmental Illness/Multiple Chemical Sensitivities.

Here's the kicker:  mercury causes sinusitis. Reminds me of a cartoon:  a rock with note tied to it tossed through a window, owner standing beside broken glass reads note:  "Window repair $15 call 555-1111."

Would be funny if not for the loss of function and quality of life for so many years that has resulted from being poisoned by mercury.

I did a mercury detox two years ago as part of EI/MCS treatment with an environmental doctor, also working with a Hielkunst homeopathist. In the year or two prior to that my regular non-holistic dentist had agreed to remove old amalgams (mercury and silver metal fillings) as they wore out and not to put any new mercury fillings in, although not supportive of the view that putting the most toxic substance on the planet in one's mouth makes people sick. My argument was that being so ill for so long warranted erring on the side of caution, remove the old fillings and stop using mercury for new ones, "just in case". A few years later that dental office no longer uses mercury amalgams in anyone.

What caused the change in policy? Did they see the University of Calgary short video of  research showing nerve damage in the presence of mercury? Or the one of mercury rising from rubbing a filling with a pencil eraser, produced by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology? These convinced me when the holist dentist (member IAOMT) showed it to me and gave me a folder of material to examine.

Being mercury poisoned is tiring. More later on what it is like to go through the detoxing of mercury with amalgam removal. I did a little dance today after discussing a detox protocol with my homeopathist - light at the end of the tunnel. Hurray!