Saturday, 24 December 2011

On waking after a night of sleep, my eyes are always blurry. After this week's amalgam removal the blurriness was worse than usual, only the day after, then back to par. Everything is starting to make sense.

When I wake up I always feel tired to exhausted. Now I understand - mercury releases through the night have been wreaking havoc. I grind my teeth. Mercury causes tension that may result in bruxism. In 1998 severe obstructive sleep apnea was finally diagnosed, altho sadly took a YEAR in our backed-up health system to get a breathing machine at home so air is delivered to my body when breathing stops while asleep. Because of mercury poisoning. It was killing me. I'll never forget the first night on CPAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure) during hospital testing, waking up feeling mentally like looking thru a clean car windshield previously covered in thick dirt. Also sadly, it had been suggested six years earlier as a possible contributor to obesity by a physician consulted for weight issues, but that was never followed up, family doctor did not refer me to a sleep lab until I accidentally recorded the sleep apnea myself - actually a miracle - my tiny mp3 recorder was turned off and on by me while soundly asleep! as the recording proves. Angels intervene, always pray for help!

Altho my father had sleep apnea, I knew nothing about it, how extremely serious it is and what a huge difference CPAP makes. (Being constantly in a foggy, confused, exhausted state of mind means things go by the wayside instead of receiving attention needed). That meant six more unnecessary years of sleep disturbance (altho I was unaware, it's mostly unconscious). When finally tested it was every 15 minutes! Hundreds of times a night. No wonder my mental health was deteriorating to the point where I felt like a total "basketcase" of mood swings, irritability, exhaustion, depression, anxiety, inability to think or concentrate or make good decisions. 

That was after an earlier severe depression was cured by stopping dairy intake - bad milk allergy. If you are depressed there is a reason, not necessarily psychological (altho that can be a good reason, if you have been traumatized at any point in your life or otherwise have mental illness). Do not rest until you find out what it is! Allergies, heavy metal toxicity, physical or emotional injuries, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), all kinds of things can cause depression and other mental illness, also social stressors like dysfunctional family dynamics, and genetics. Research all possibilities. I was bounced from psychologist to psychiatrist for so many years, no one looking at the cause, just treating symptoms, with treatments (and sometimes incompetence and abuse by therapists; two people I saw lost their licences!) that often made things worse.

My energy gets better as the day goes on, for years it took 'til suppertime to have enough energy for chores or errands (now only on occasional bad days). Then I would stay up late getting things done, enjoying having a bit of energy and clarity but establishing a late sleep cycle. Plus post-meal sleeping spells added to that. Have only this year been able to start getting sleep back into a more normal cycle, bed by midnight or 1 a.m., up at 8 or 9 a.m., 7 hours enough to feel rested, no more nightmares. Still working toward earlier bedtime.

Insomnia and severe sleep disorder began in 1988 after I lost a bunch of weight which I believe now created a mercury release (and who knows what else was stored in that fat).  Fortunately subsequent rebound weight gain (50 lost, 90 gained), plus observing the insanity of focusing on weight loss without addressing psychosocial issues, taught me to stop dieting as a solution to unhappiness with self. And extremity of mercury symptoms taught me to pray (feeling like the devil was breathing down my neck, sheer terror and panic, e.g.).

For two years I couldn't sleep more than 2-4 hours in a row, followed by two years of not being able to stay awake more than a couple of hours. Drugs never helped, only made symptoms worse - after Prozac one year I developed all kinds of allergies, a known side effect, and a panic disorder that necessitated hospitalization, where it took 3 weeks to withdraw from Prozac effects and be free of the panic disorder. The previous year I had endured 12 days in a hospital psych ward (seriously unpleasant place to be) for doctors to assess medication for the severe insomnia and after a few unsuccessful drug attempts left me on the Prozac while no-one picked up on mercury amalgams as a possible cause of depression, insomnia, anxiety, panic. No assessment of heavy metal toxicity was done at all. 

My dentist told me many years ago the surfaces of my teeth show wear, but never recommended a mouth guard to prevent the teeth grinding which would explain why I feel worse on waking - grinding amalgams through the night releasing vapour. Also explains nightmares.

Another mystery now clear:  bladder irritability after starting detox a few years ago. Some people say it is not safe to detox while amalgams still in, others say it is ok. Myself, I feel better in some ways but also show new signs of toxicity (dysarthria, ataxia). Detoxing means mercury is pulled out of tissues for liver and kidneys to eliminate, it circulates. So my bladder reacts to the presence of mercury with urgent need to void despite only a tiny amount to urinate. A useful symptom: get-this-poison-out-fast, altho sometimes it's inconvenient!

Many mysterio now clarified. It is such a fantastic relief to know where stuff is coming from. Here is one page with just some of what mercury can do:

  • irritability
  • anxiety/nervousness, often with difficulty in breathing
  • restlessness
  • exaggerated response to stimulation
  • fearfulness
  • emotional instability
    -lack of self control
    -fits of anger, with violent, irrational behavior
  • loss of self confidence
  • indecision
  • shyness or timidity, being easily embarrassed
  • loss of memory
  • inability to concentrate
  • lethargy/drowsiness
  • insomnia
  • mental depression, despondency
  • withdrawal
  • suicidal tendencies
  • manic depression

  • numbness and tingling of hands, feet, fingers, toes, or lips
  • muscle weakness progressing to paralysis
  • ataxia
  • tremors/trembling of hands, feet, lips, eyelids or tongue
  • incoordination
  • myoneural transmission failure resembling Myasthenia Gravis

  • Freya Koss (right) was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis after being stuck with double vision and ptotis (drooping eyelids) after having amalgam fillings placed.

    Freya in 2002 after safe amalgam removal and detoxification.
    She is now Director of Development for Consumers for Dental Choice.
    More of her story is on their website at

  • motor neuron disease (ALS)
  • Multiple Sclerosis, see Janie's Story, and Ken Pressner's Speech to the MS Society 

  • bleeding gums
  • alveolar bone loss
  • loosening of teeth
  • excessive salivation
  • foul breath
  • metallic taste
  • burning sensation, with tingling of lips, face
  • tissue pigmentation (amalgam tattoo of gums)
  • leukoplakia
  • stomatitis (sores in the mouth)
  • ulceration of gingiva, palate, tongue
  • dizziness/acute, chronic vertigo
  • ringing in the ears
  • hearing difficulties
  • speech and visual impairment
    -restricted, dim vision

  • food sensitivities, especially to milk and eggs
  • abdominal cramps, colitis, diverticulitis or other G.I. complaint
  • chronic diarrhea/constipation

  • abnormal heart rhythm
  • characteristic findings on EKG
    -abnormal changes in the S-T segment and/or
    -lower broadened P wave
  • unexplained elevated serum triglyceride
  • unexplained elevated cholesterol
  • abnormal blood pressure, either high or low

  • chronic headaches
  • allergies
  • severe dermatitis
  • unexplained reactivity
  • thyroid disturbance
  • subnormal body temperature
  • cold, clammy skin, especially hands and feet
  • excessive perspiration, w/frequent night sweats
  • unexplained sensory symptoms, including pain
  • unexplained numbness or burning sensations
  • unexplained anemia
    -G-6-PD deficiency
  • Chronic kidney disease
    -nephrotic syndrome
    -receiving renal dialysis
    -kidney infection
  • adrenal disease
  • general fatigue
  • loss of appetite/with or without weight loss
  • loss of weight
  • hypoglycemia

Now back to happy Christmas preps!

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