Friday, 28 June 2013

Paint prep

June has almost passed. My bicycle repair included replacing tires; they were offgassing so badly I had to get it out of my apartment; fortunately able to swap it with one from a family member; unfortunately it has a flat . . . react to glues needed to patch tube . . . not yet solved that one, so take the bus to the garden or walk, not too far.

May paint preps resulted in needing to have my bathroom door removed from my apartment when paint test caused a week of diarrhea, mental confusion, depression, anxiety, exhaustion, weakness, painful muscle spasms/cramps . . .

Our new maintenance person refused to help until presented with the Canadian Human Rights Commission policy on Environmental Sensitivities and landlord's lawyer confirmed the law requires them to respond appropriately, in this case storing my door in the basement and replacing it with a non-toxic one (I have yet to see it; bedroom door is now in the bathroom and a curtain covers bedroom doorway so it is functional for the moment).

I would link to the policy but it has been removed from online access. Here it is:

Policy on Environmental Sensitivities

Individuals with environmental sensitivities experience a variety of adverse reactions to environmental agents at concentrations well below those that might affect the “average person”. This medical condition is a disability and those living with environmental sensitivities  are entitled to the protection of the Canadian Human Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. The Canadian Human Rights Commission will receive any inquiry and process any complaint from any person who believes that he or she has been discriminated against because of an environmental sensitivity. Like others with a disability, those with environmental sensitivities are required by law to be accommodated.

The CHRC encourages employers and service providers to proactively address issues of accommodation by ensuring that their workplaces and facilities are accessible for persons with a wide range of disabilities. 

Successful accommodation for persons with environmental sensitivities requires innovative strategies to minimize or eliminate exposure to triggers in the environment. These may include: developing and enforcing fragrance free and chemical avoidance policies, undertaking educational programs to increase voluntary compliance with such policies, minimizing chemical use and purchasing less toxic products, and notifying employees and clients in advance of construction, re-modeling and cleaning activities. Such measures can prevent injuries and illnesses, and reduce costs and health and safety risks.

One more paint to test, that makes three, if it does not work out I will abandon paint plans until next year. Meanwhile at least a lot of repair work has been done and the walls are very clean!

Although steady slow improvements continue in energy levels, mental clarity and muscle strength, severe chemical sensitivities persist with all their nasty effects. The difference now is that the gap between a good day and a reacting-to-something bad day is huge, which is frustrating, to go from feeling and functioning fairly well, to crashed and out-of-it again.

So life is still very restricted as to where I can go that is safe, and whom I can be with. I am blessed with kind friends who help keep me sane with their reliable use of fragrance-free products and musical talents, so uplifting. Every week I sing with one friend for hours, we play guitar at local parks and have a wonderful time. When you are chronically sick it is so essential to take breaks from a daily grind of treatments and focus on illness.

Sinusitis is now under control with "jali neti" nasal saline washes and homeopathic remedies plus new herbal tinctures. Pain/symptoms tend to shift, so now that sinus hell is passed, muscles are acting up with excruciatingly painful spasms and cramps; lately books trigger it (fresh printing inks) - fortunately for my bookworm self, second-hand ones are abundant and I have a large library on hand. Also, too much exercise brings on painful cramping. Epsom baths are essential, the magnesium counteracts mercury-induced muscle contraction.

I am steady on the same supplements course (vitamins, sulfur, omega 3's, biosalts, trace minerals, coQ10). Diabetes is progressing due to pancreas damage, a newly added medication recently predisposes me more to hypoglycemia, requiring more than ever careful scheduling of meals. This week I completed a psychological assessment before beginning treatment with a Clinical Psychologist for help with a long-time yo-yo weight problem. It felt good to have her recognition of the hard work I have been doing for so many years!

Next week I have an appointment to see a physician who acknowledges chronic mercury toxicity and has a treatment program including many alternative health strategies. Paperwork and organizing info is very hard with concentration and memory deficits; there is a lot of work to do to prepare for this. All year have been unable to continue research on mercury, burnt out; perhaps now can resume.

Despite all the troubles, I am happier than ever, more conscious of Grace manifesting Helpers, deeply grateful for a rich and fulfilling life finding my way on the path of spiritual liberation, aided by my constant companion, chronic mercury toxicity and Environmental Illness. Life is good!

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